FWIW, I have NOAA raster charts running beautifully on my IPAQ 3850. I have a
DVD with ALL U.S. charts, and have loaded all
Chesapeake Bay charts and a few others onto the IPAQ.
The IPAQ is old technology, and very inexpensive. You can put together a great little handheld for about $200. Mine has:
64mb internal memory
1 gb additional memory chip (fits into the IPAQ itself)
an expansion pack which the IPAQ slides into
an extra
battery located in the expansion pack
a Scandisk compact flash adapter which slides into the top of the expansion pack
a 20-channel GPS card which slides into the compact flash adapter
Maptech's Pocket Navigator
Memory Map Navigator
Microsoft's Active Sync
Works like a charm. Also, it's a real computer, complete with
Internet Explorer, Excel, Word, etc. I've also loaded PocketDOS so I can run my DOS
navigation programs (like PC Nav). Also, a PDF reader.
Neat little package.