OK guys.
Just installed the
Navionics Android App on my dual boot Dell Latitude E7240 notebook.
On this standart notebook I installed PrimeOS (Google it, it's way better than the crappy Bluestacks) as Android Nougat. Works fine.
I have as other boot option Windows 10 on the same computer.
The great thing is they can even share the same chart directory.
Navionics (which I normally do not use) and Sailgrib WR finds the Bluetooth
GPS and charts from my
phone without any issues.
Few postings up I did describe how to do get Bluetooth
GPS into the Android system.
Basically you tell Android to accept fake GPS positions and then you use an app to send real GPS positions received by Bluetooth to Android.
Android "thinks" these are simulated positions, but actually they are real ones.