Not sure what genius devised this idea.
Navionics used to have their
charts cover from the US
east coast to
Bermuda, including
Bermuda. They had a couple of different ones, but they had them. Now, the chart covers from the US
east coast right up to Bermuda, but then stops some miles short. The actual Bermuda chart, that one is included with their Carribbean chip, which doesn't cover the distance between Bermuda and the Carribbean mind you. Nope, it covers the Carribbean, and then Bermuda too, but not all that
water in between.
Seems to me pretty blatant that they set this up so that you are required to buy two chips if you want to go to Bermuda. Not very consumer friendly, and if I were
buying a
chartplotter today that definitely would be a consideration for me (anyone from
Raymarine or Northstar reading?). I'm sure this will make a lot of Bermuda racers quite happy too (dripping with sarcasm in case that's not evident).
With that, does anyone have a
Navionics Gold+16XG (NOT the 16XG-2), or the Platinum 905P, that they'd be willing to part with for a fair
price? They would need to be produced in 2008 or earlier. If I can't find one from an alternative source, then I'm stuck spending $500 for two chips. I'm checking E-Bay, for so far no joy, so I figured I'd check here.
Thanks all.