Not sure whether this will be of any help, or how factual some of it is (whether or not this person is on the
boat or if it's actually his father that contacted me). I have no reason to think it wouldn't be but I don't know anyone involved and knew nothing about this before googling it.
Yesterday I accepted a friend request from a K***** A****rs on FB. I receive a couple of friend requests from sailors I don't know each month. I believe I get these requests from sailors I don't know since I've written some
books about sailing. Generally if someone sends me a friend request and looks to be a sailor I just accept the request.
Today I got a FB message from his father asking how I could become his friend as he's missing on the Lady Domina. I had no idea what he was asking about so just googled and it led me here.
I don't use FB a lot and don't know exactly when he sent the friend request, that he is/was on the boat, or that his account wasn't used by anyone else. I am fairly (90% +)certain that the friend request was recent (since the boat was supposed to have departed).
I know this sounds incredibly vague and unhelpful but I know nothing about this other than that I recently received a friend request from someone supposedly overdue in the Atlantic.
Hope all turns out well.