I must depart Panama in JUNE bound for the Philippines and am researching the least risk route, looking through Cornell and pilot charts etc. THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE DONE THIS VOYAGE - any advice? Looking for options to consider. 97-foot ketch with a mission.
I HAVE NOT DONE THIS TRIP.. but if I were to, I would do the same as when I sailed to Darwin.. head down to the Galapagos then head West between 005 and 010 South riding the trades as far as the Solomon's and North of Papua, then curve up back across the equator to pick up the SW winds on to the Phillipines.
Down wind with a prevailing current worth 30nm/day for at least 1/2 of the trip.. interested to see what Atoll and others who have sailed that area will advise.
You can't oppress a people for so many decades and have them say.. "I Love You.. ".
"It is better to die standing proud, than to live a lifetime on ones knees.."
Self Defence is no excuse for Genocide...