We have a Standard Horizon CP1000C Chartplotter mounted in the
cockpit under the
dodger. We've had it for over 3 years and it's performed flawlessly.
We have a
C-Map Max Superwide NA-M034 chip installed see:
C-MAP Chart Catalogue - NT MAX Chartlisting
This is the area that we're cruising in, so one chip does it for us. These chips are $299 (retail).
It wasn't all that expensive and we joined "Club C-Map" to get yearly updates for a pretty reasonable
price (around $80 for
membership, the update is free)
If we had it to do all over again, we'd get one of their new models. They have a variety of
screen sizes (at a range of prices), some have built-in GPS antennas for easier
installation if you have a clear shot of the sky. The GPS signal will go through most dodgers just fine so that is a good option if that's where you're putting it. see:
Welcome to StandardHorizon.com
We also have our
AIS receiver feeding into the Chartplotter and have the Chartplotter wired to our
NMEA system. This lets us feed GPS signals to the rest of our
gear and upload/download routes, waypoints, tracks, etc. to/from our computer.
We also use
Nobeltec and Passport Charts on our Computer, but we only use that for planning purposes.
Before we left to go cruising in 2004, I wanted to get a
remote display for the cockpit as the computer is kept safely below. At that time I could buy the Standard Horizon WITH CHARTS for less than the
price of a good quality
water resistant computer display for the cockpit. AND it gave us backup (always good).
Bottom line, we think that this is a great way to go if you can spare a few bucks.