Help! I really feel like an idiot, but I cannot figure out how to load raster charts . Here's what I did, can someone steer me e in the right direction?
I downloaded the RAC NOAA charts to a zip file and extracted the file to my documents, charts (new folder I made) .I added this folder to the chart directory and nothing happens.
It looks like you might be talking about OpenCPN. If so, screenshot of the respective tab in the Toolbox and your logfile, please. You have read the manual, didn't you?
.Yes i'm talking about open cpn (sorry thought this was an open cpn forum).Re: screen shots I'll see what I can do about those in the meqntime, directory shows "my documents and settings/my documnents/charts" and the files same thing. downloads shows a zipped file with the number assigned by noaa when i downloaded it
sorry no luck figuring out how to do screen shots. I'm a sailor not geeky enough
The OpenCPN forum is at OpenCPN - Cruisers & Sailing Forums ... to take a screenshot push the key stating "PrtScr" or something like that and then paste (Ctrl+V) to say Word or whatever. The result, attach here.
Are you really sure you did extract the ZIP file you downloaded? And are you really sure that you are looking at a place where the downloaded charts actually are (as in latitude and longitude)?
If you don't help us help you, we really can't do much more...
Nothing received. What format are you trying to attach? Basically whatever it is, change it's extension to .DOC and the forum should stop complaining... Then just tell me what it was before.
the extension was a rich text extension. I'm really a freshman when it comes to doing computer things. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to change extensions.
my email is
if you email me ther, i can send you the narrative.
i just posted a reply which i was told will not be posted until the moderator approves it . whatever tha's all about and i'll send you the narrative
i just posted a reply which i was told will not be posted until the moderator approves it . whatever tha's all about and i'll send you the narrative