Canada's Arctic Marine Atlas was released by three environmental organizations this week — World Wildlife Fund Canada, Oceans North, and Ducks Unlimited Canada. It features a comprehensive look at the Arctic's changing environment, along with the animals and people that live there.
The atlas is available as a free PDF online and those without internet access can get a copy mailed to them.
More seriously, on the very northern tip of the Arctic islands, on the northern tip of the northern island, is the east side free from ice these days in the middle of September? I can't make out if it is or not.
More seriously, on the very northern tip of the Arctic islands, on the northern tip of the northern island, is the east side free from ice these days in the middle of September? I can't make out if it is or not.
I read the maps so that in a median year all the northern areas are frozen the whole year, and therefore there is no median freezing or melting date.