Originally Posted by transmitterdan
There are dozens of "news" stories out now that are placed by lobbying groups trying to assign blame for or end the shutdown. The pole shifting story was already out there a few years ago. Why is it in the news again now? Politics. If it weren't for the shutdown the magnetic north story would be buried.
Then they try to scare everyone that a "flip" is on the way. But if you read the actual papers they say that a flip is a long way off as far as we know. The recent shifts are interesting but not a harbinger of doom. And flip isn't even the right term because it takes many years or decades for the north and south poles to switch direction. Nobody's sure how long it would really take.
Re the
World Magnetic Model:
Because of extraordinarily large and erratic movements of the north magnetic pole, an out-of-cycle update to the WMM was due to be released on January 15, 2019
Now, I don't really think NATO, WHO and USDoD decided to roll out an
out of cycle update of the WMM just to embarrass the US
government over the shutdown; that decision was made before the shutdown... but sure, the shutdown does add drama to the story.