Can anyone tell me whether the C-mapcharts have differnet levels of detail?
What I mean is, if I by a C-map MAX cartridge for my plotter, that covers, say, all of Australia, or I buy a cheaper C-map cartridge, that only covers, say, Tasmania East Coast, will the australia wide cartridge have the same level of detail on the East coast of Tassie as the more specific cartridge will?
Yes the large Australia Wide Max chart has all the charts that are contained in the smaller version, you can cross check this on the CMAP website. All the relevant charts are listed. The large scale charts used to be very expensive but have come down a lot in price, so buy the big scale and sail a bit further from home!!!
If you are heading to more remote areas (ie NW WA) remember that the CMap is only as accurate as the smallest scale chart in the area. Whilst I was up there I sailed across a few headlands that were several hundred feet high according to the CMap!! It is a great guide only up there.