Go to Sailorman and get all the
fuel jugs you can, enough for 1,000 miles minimum. Go through the Providence channels. When you get to Southwest Pt
head out motorsailing on Starboard tack tight as you can. Keep your sail area down so you are not healing excessively and starving your
engine of
oil (a reefed main and a staysail if you have one works well. Forget the
jib.) After 24-36 hours (24 if over 40' more if smaller) tack over and do the same on port tack. Stay away from
Puerto Rico where the
current will kill you. If you can't lay STT and start getting within 75 miles of the islands take another hitch out until you can come in comfortably on Pillsbury Sound. First two weeks of November are traditionally good. Big winds coming later, the thorny path can keep you harbor bound in the DR for months. Not always such a bad thing, but...
Rig up a transfer
pump (hand
pump is fine) and get your
fuel into the main
tanks when the
weather is good, don't wait 'til the last moment, and don't waste fuel trying to pour it from jugs into
deck fills.
Enjoy! Take
fishing gear, you are in great dolphin/wahoo waters!