unlike the
usa, where there is good free software as well as all of the u.s.
government charts (FREE!!!), there is no such equivalent for the bahamas.
i'm afraid you're going to have to spend some
money. so before you do, let me recommend the BEST hardcopy
charts available for the bahamas - the EXPLORER charts. don't leave home without them. there are three, which basically cover the northern, central, and southern bahamas. they're about fifty or sixty dollars each. they're so good that at least one company that sells digitized charts uses them.
i've cruised the bahamas with only the explorer charts, a couple of
cheap handheld
gps units, and my
compass and
depth sounder. that is, in my opinion, the minimum that a cruiser should have in today's cruising
they have a website at where you can peruse or even order the charts, although i can tell you they are so good and so greatly regarded that practically every sailing store has them in stock, including west
in addition to charts they also contain quite a bit of information about each
destination, so you may be able to forego
buying a cruising guide, or just check the used book stores for a recent copy.
i'm not too crazy about wilson's cruising guide. but any guide is probably better than none. just make sure you use the
gps coordinates in the explorer charts and not anyone elses.
or you might get lucky like i did and find a perfectly good explorer chart and a yachtsmans guide in a dumpster at
nassau yacht haven....