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Old 15-07-2023, 18:47   #1
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Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

Hi Guys, Im wondering if anyone has any advice on the most practical way to use the anchor and anchor locker configuration on my new boat, and maybe any advice on updating it.

It’s a Fibreglass Van De Stadt Pion 30. 
There is a bow roller for the anchor to sit in, then a (functioning) windlass which appears to only be designed for nylon (no chain grooves).
Then a small chain locker several feet aft along the deck which feeds directly to a hole over the V berth.
There are 2 chain lockers beneath and slightly aft of that hole (but not directly underneath. 

Im wondering firstly about having the chain permanently attached the anchor on the bow constantly banging on and damaging the deck, not to mention getting in the way.

Secondly the practicality of feeding the nylon/chain (and all the mud etc!) down into the v berth area. With nothing to guide it into the locker.

Has anyone used a setup like this? Any ideas on making it more practical?

I’m hoping to be single handing this boat a bit so would love a simple system and I also want the anchor readily available for safety reasons. 

Attached are some photos for reference.

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Old 15-07-2023, 20:36   #2
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

Originally Posted by Budini View Post
Hi Guys, Im wondering if anyone has any advice on the most practical way to use the anchor and anchor locker configuration on my new boat, and maybe any advice on updating it.

It’s a Fibreglass Van De Stadt Pion 30. 
There is a bow roller for the anchor to sit in, then a (functioning) windlass which appears to only be designed for nylon (no chain grooves).
Then a small chain locker several feet aft along the deck which feeds directly to a hole over the V berth.
There are 2 chain lockers beneath and slightly aft of that hole (but not directly underneath. 

Im wondering firstly about having the chain permanently attached the anchor on the bow constantly banging on and damaging the deck, not to mention getting in the way.

Yes, it appears the previous owner did not use chain in how he used the boat. You can limit chain damage by installing a piece of stainless sheet on the deck, and up to the anchor locker, but that whole system doesn't look very workable to me. It kind of depends on where you're anchoring, and how far afield you plan to take the boat. For instance, if you only anchor in shallow mud, and there is no stone or coral reefs, maybe you can get away with all rope rode. Or, if you decide to add 10 m. or so chain, maybe it would be okay to store it on the bow pulpit in a metal box, or a canvas bag, so that it would be ready to deploy.

Secondly the practicality of feeding the nylon/chain (and all the mud etc!) down into the v berth area. With nothing to guide it into the locker.

Has anyone used a setup like this? We had a S&S 30 that had only about a boat length of chain, backed by a lot of nylon 3 strand,
and Jim hauled it by hand.

Any ideas on making it more practical?

I’m hoping to be single handing this boat a bit so would love a simple system and I also want the anchor readily available for safety reasons. 

Attached are some photos for reference.

What kind of anchor is the one in the locker?

The one on the bow looks a bit like an imitation Sarca. I know some of the Sarcas, but I don't recognize that one. If it is one, it will be a good anchor for you.

The further away you get from local conditions, the more likely the surfaces in which you anchor are likely to change. For example, in the Whitsundays, you can get nice, clean, white sand, and also lots of coral. If you have coral or stone reefs to contend with, you will prefer to work out a way to have all chain, or mostly chain, and you'll need a way to run it to the chain lockers after cleaning, perhaps s/s channel or even tubing.

I'm sure you'll get a lot of input here, and to me, the location of where your anchoring will take place is critical to get a useable anchor. Good luck with it.

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Old 16-07-2023, 04:24   #3
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

I would anchor with 30' of chain and the rest rope, and haul it in by hand.
If you want to go all chain, or more chain, you'll have to get a windlass with a chain gypsy, and as you install it you can modify the foredeck to have a proper spurling pipe.
Bit of a job, but might be worth it depending on your plans.
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Old 16-07-2023, 07:39   #4
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

First you should take care of what looks like the windlass power cables. I am afraid at some point your rode is going to wrap around them. At the very least use some wire ties screwed either directly the side of the locker or to a board epoxied along the side. For proper installation they should be wire tied every 18". You might even consider building a conduit around them.

If you feel up to it, you could build a bulkhead to separate the anchor locker from the rest of the Vberth, but definitely keep a door in place so you can gain access. Where does the water drain? Out the side of the boat or to the bilge?

Often there is a pipe under the deck to guide the chain but you may not need that here.

Sorry. No obvious suggestion from me as far as your other chain concerns.
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Old 16-07-2023, 08:23   #5
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

Originally Posted by JPA Cate View Post
What kind of anchor is the one in the locker?

The one on the bow looks a bit like an imitation Sarca. I know some of the Sarcas, but I don't recognize that one. If it is one, it will be a good anchor for you.
It is an Australian anchor called the Mud Magnet Max.
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Old 16-07-2023, 08:26   #6
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

Are you planning to use the V-berth as a berth?
If so, I don't think the current set-up will work for you. But I'm sure we could probably offer some solutions.

If not, you have a lot more flexibility. I would consider installing a spurling pipe - large diameter FG or stainless-steel tube from the thru-deck hole to the chain-locker. Chain-lockers typically have a drain - that can either go straight overboard if it's above the waterline, or to a sump/bilge.

Anchor rodes tend to pick up aquatic life of various forms - when it sits in the chain-locker, it tends to spoil, and stink. For habitability reasons, you might want to enclose it.

On deck, you could put a sheet of stainless, or Star-board (HDPE) under the lie of the chain.
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Old 23-08-2023, 06:04   #7
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Re: Unusual Anchor Locker configuration

Hi Everyone apologies for the late reply!

Thanks for all your responses they were very helpful.

I have ended up putting a piece of stainless sheet on the deck between the small anchor locker and the bow roller to protect the deck as suggested.

I have plugged off the hole over the V berth, so that is now usable and has stayed dry beating into some decent winds and swell, yay!.

The combination of chain and nylon rope (just!) fits in the smaller locker on deck and it's looking like I will be able to use the quick tumbler to help with retrieval.
I'm yet to test the system like this but it is much simpler so I am happy. I will report back with how successfully it works soon.

Thanks again.
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