Good morning,
I need to order
parts quickly, 'cos I've got a crew
member joining me in
Central America in a few please help me to identify what, if anything, I need.
windlass stopped dropping chain last night. It will still pull up, thankfully.
Here's what I've tested so far:
- reversed
wiring to hand-held wired controller. When reversed, it will drop
anchor, but not raise it.
- I found a corroded conductor joining the socket for the
remote. All cleaned up, no improvement or change.
- Visually examined solenoid connections - bone dry location, absolutely no sign of
corrosion there.
- No 'clicking' sounds when I try to use it.
Does this mean:
- Solenoids are both ok, in that I guess one is devoted to DOWN, the other to UP ?
- Wired
remote is ok, as both switches
What next? I think it looks like a
wiring fault, so I'll spend some time checking all of that out.
Appreciate any input!