Originally Posted by Chotu
Also, I have not been able to find any spar sections that work for anything. None for the mask. None for the bow tube. Nothing. What am I left with her options?
Do I really have to go and get these custom made somewhere? That’s a lot more money than I was hoping to spend.
If the larger cross-sectional area mast section you've found is only 10-20% larger, and is the same thickness as the old mast, it should be able to be welded to the old one easily enough.
My suggestion (from paast experience of this issue) is to, as you surmise, weld a 'step' down inside the new mast section, with locating strips or
cleats somewhow to line the old mast up and centre it as it goes in.
Weld the bas to the step.
THEN, get a qualified sheet-metal worker who works with aluminum sheeting, to make a up a 'cone' that wraps around the old mast and comes out to the new mast.
Obvioulsy, it needs to be rolled and shaped to suit both elliptic openings, and not be a plain circular-base cone.
Then weld this sheet to the new and the old sections to brace across the join.
Bingo, new, longer mast.
As for the other spars, what ever you do it will require adaptive surgery.
My feeling is - if you can't afford this, then you probably can't afford to be sailing such a large and costly
But I know you are also a cheapskate.... lol
So, keep looking something will turn up.
But, seriously, T6061 ally tube is not THAT expensive. I was quoted less than $100 for a 3m section with 4mm thickness from a normal metals supplier here in Oz. Can't imagine it would be that much more over Stateside.
Sure, extruded, specialist mast tubing is expensive. Limited market, limited buyers.
But PLAIN tubing? Much more widely used, lots more of it made...
Get a naval architect/engineer to spec the tube, and it might be fine for a bow pole. Then simply get the same sheet-metal worker to weld some ally plate on top for somewhere to stand, and bingo, ne
bowsprit. Add a dolphin striker and Robert's your mother's brother..!