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Old 02-06-2006, 10:18   #1
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Rigging Spec's / Tuning your rig

I have had a hard time as a new sailor to find the rigging spec's so that I could properly tune my mast to "Factory Spec's". I know that everyone will tweak their mast differently, but the spec's give you a starting point.

That brought me to this, there needs to be a place where that information could be searched and referenced by anyone. So I am starting this thread to list your boat with its spec's. (Or to show exactly how green of a sailor I am if all boats use this as a recommendations) If so then what additional tuning have you done to your boat.

2005 Hunter 27 - Hunter recommends that the stays be set @ 20% of strength. For the "diamond" 5/32nds the strength is 2800#'s. The outer stays are 3/16ths with a strength of 4000#'s.
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Old 02-06-2006, 18:12   #2
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You should tune you shrouds to 15%- 20% of the breaking load.

Here is how you do it:

Start with both cap shrouds hand tight (using the turnbuckes of course)

Use a 2 meter or so folding ruler and tape the ruler to the shroud to that the bottom is a few centimeters above the swage fitting. The distance is not critical... BUT you MUST measure what it is...

Now tension the shroud with 2 wrenches and as you do it will lengthen as you tighten it. The distance from you measure above will start to INCREASE. When THAT distance has INCREASED by 1.5MM (you need a vernier caliper to measure this small distance)

Now move to the PORT shroud and tension this shroud and check the distance on the STARBOARD shroud. When it reaches 3MM you have tension both shrouds to the right amount.

You can use this meathod for any rigging.


1x19 wire 5% of breaking load for each 1mm of stretch
Dyform wire 5% of breaking load for each .95mm of stretch
Rod 5% of breaking load for each .07mm of stretch

Tension lower shrouds to keep mast "in column" - straight.

sv Shiva
Contest 36s
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