Below is a previous post I made on StaLocs, of which our trimaran's rig has 28! I have taken them apart for reuse after over 10 years, and the properly sealed wire inside was
Regarding Sta locs: After forming the wires and opening them up to inspect for overlaps, or a wire in the slot, Fill the cavity the correct amount first. (ABOUT 60%) Do not get any on the rest of the threads!
These things SHOULD'VE been in the instructions for StaLocs:
DO NOT USE SILICONE, USE 5200! You will have no problems later if you need to re-use it.
, USE RED LOCTITE, NOT BLUE! (same as above)
And, if you under fill with caulk, and it doesn't ooze out of the wire end hole of the barrell, ALL the way around, then you under filled it, and need to re do it. When RE doing the caulk
. 100% of the 5200 and red locktite MUST be removed from the threads on both parts FIRST!!! The combination of 5200 and loctite on the threads will never set up, but just act as a permanent lubricant.
Done correctly, these things are great! Many are not done correctly...