I use two different sets of
jacklines when I go
offshore. The first pair are commercially
sold similar to those offered by West
Marine, but modified by adding a self made section at the aft end. This section has a caribiner similar to the store bought section but is short and ends with a ratchet of
stainless steel similar to those on load securing straps
sold at auto supplies. These
jacklines run full length and are flat against the
deck. Since they are flat webbing and won't trip I can leave them in place most of the time and I can tighten them with the ratchet to take up any stretch.
My second set is used when I think the
weather is going to be bad and they are made of coated cable similar to lifeline cable with turnbuckles on the aft end. These run full length on either side of my
dodger held up by the SS handles on each side and go from the stemhead fitting to an eye on my
davits, about 3 feet above the
deck. I don't use them all the time because you have to duck under them getting in or out of the
cockpit (I have a center cockpit), but they act like an inboard lifeline and you can snap in very easily from inside the
cockpit. They sure make my wife happy.
Have fun
Joe S