I appreciate you
posting the message above as it contains a link to my web site which I had intentionally not listed as it is against forum rules. It also shows some of the other projects I have designed over the years including the hundreds of thousands of
school kids I have helped and the dozens of charities I supported including the troops when they first arrived in Baghdad.
So what is so evil about trying to make an inexpensive option that everyone keeps asking for? If I don't mention it nobody will know about it. It is hypocritical if it is alright to mention any product from someone else, maybe a friends but is taboo to create a viable solution that is better than others and not be able to introduce it to others. If you want to know about many of the
parts I have made at way below the cost and better quality than West
Marine and others and the feedback from the people I have helped then go through the postings on the Yahoo Lagoon owners or
Leopard cats groups or see some of the comments posted under the boat parts I made for others on my web site.
lost everything in the recession and was a week away from living under a bridge, maybe I gave way to much to charities for my own good. I got a job 2 years ago part time with lousy pay and no benefits at a machine shop, learned everything I could including programming the cnc machines, got certified in welding. learned CAD and CAM
software, designed improved fixtures and production tooling for the shop that dramatically improved their profits, designed a number of machines for
steel mills and motion industries. Since I spent 4 years at sea full time and got my commercial masters tickets and engineers tickets and my passion is sailing and being at sea I thought I would apply my skills to making
marine products and be really good at it and offer inexpensive solutions that people wanted. I have a large number of products on the drawing board and everyday I
work late at night designing new ones. A lot of people now send me their projects and I improve their designs and then fabricate them. After Andrew Troup posted his comment above I contacted him privately and I believe we have already made major progress on great new product I will make tooling for in the next few days. It is very possible that it will be on numerous OEM
boats in the foreseeable future. So if you want smart new options for projects you would like to see contact me privately. Thanks again for
posting the message above.