What direction does the membrane go into the pressure tube?
I am replacing my membrane and didn't pay attention to which end the high pressure seal was on. Does anyone know off the top of their head which end the seal is supposed to be on?
Re: What direction does the membrane go into the pressure tube?
You probably mean the brine seal. Put the brine sealed end of the membrane in last of course and it should be at the end of the membrane vessel where the flow direction starts. So if the flow is left to right then the brine seal will be on the left side or vice versa.
By they way I remember that you built your own watermaker a few years ago. How did that all work out?
Re: What direction does the membrane go into the pressure tube?
Yeah...I figured it out eventually.
The watermaker works great and continues to work reliably. However after 5 years, I couldn't remember which end the seal went in. When studying the seal, it become obvious that it needs to face the pressure to energize the seal.