Any Webasto owners? Asking here, because as far as I can tell, there is no dedicated forum anywhere for Webasto products.
This summer, I replaced my 17 year old broken down Dometic system with a Webasto FCF
classic 12k btu. I couldn't install a new Dometic because the output hose went the wrong way. Webasto was the only one I could find that was the right direction, plus it was small enough to fit in the required space.
It works, in fact just as well as my previous 16k btu. And the
remote control is nice. However, the fan NEVER turns off. Never changes speed even, although the option is on the
remote control. So basically the only way I can turn off the fan is by turning it off entirely.
Have checked the literature, can't find anything I'm missing.
Returning this unit is NOT an option. It was such a major pain in the a$$ to install, it sucked the life out of me. I'm not doing that again.