Originally Posted by billknny
Using PG on its own CAN work if you can be 100% sure you get the entire system flushed to the point that nowwhere is it less than 40%PG, but be aware that PG is not a strong biocide when more dilute That is the reason that the membrane maker recommends storage in a mixture of sodium metabisulfate solution and PG as a winterizing solution. It will do a better job a keeping critters from growing and clogging the membrane.
Not to pile on with Tellie.....but PG is a great pickling reagent as long as it is in a concentration above 24%. We recommend staying above 50% because...well...why not, it's
cheap and easy. Below 24% concentrations will act as
FOOD for certain bacteria rather than kill them!
I'm also not familiar with a
water maker company that recommends mixing PG and Metabisulfite. Doing so doesn't make sense from my point of view as a
water maker manufacturer that through cases of membranes per week.