The variable-speed Hermetically sealed
compressor is the first real advancement to 12 volt pleasure
boat refrigeration efficiency, no longer the one speed one size
compressor fits multiple size box’s
icebox conversion.
The purpose of having variable speed changes in
refrigeration compressors is much the same as having Multiple speed transmissions shifting gears in your automobile. No longer will one size
single speed inefficient compressor be used now that we have these third Generation variable speed small Danfoss BD compressors.
The true Energy Efficiency of updated variable speed compressors only occurs when they are operated in a small box where the fixed speed units at 2500
rpm can be reduced to 2000
An example, in a three cubic foot box with a variable speed BD35 compressor at 2000 Rpm might reduce energy
consumption by 50% of what the older fixed speed 2500 Rpm compressor consumed. There are a number of reasons why this variable speed is more energy efficient, the
biggest improvement is in Volumetric Efficiency. It may surprise you to know that new variable speeds above 2500 Rpm are only 12% more energy efficient than the fixed speed BD2.5 compressor. The variable speed Danfoss BD 35 and BD50
single piston and 3 cm3 cylinder is an upgrade from the BD2.5 cm3 displacements of older fixed speed compressors.
The noticeable change in the new compressor’s is their smaller size and less resistance to gas vapor flow. Volumetric Efficiency inside would be one key to their “improved” design. Volumetric efficiency is defined as a ratio of a gaseous substance entering a cylinder to the volume metric
displacement of a piston. The little piston forces this gas into a small volume that creates pressure which is also energy if the gas enters the chamber and completely fills it compresse’s it is all transferred to the next part of the system having a higher Volumetric Efficiency. Compressor speed and Volumetric flow of refrigerant through a hermetically sealed compressor is not understood by people in the
marine refrigeration industry. If it was understood there would be better compressor
cooling. Compressor manufacturers are concerned with efficiency inside a compressor that depends on ambient pressure,temperature, suction pressure, piston clearance ratio to cylinder and its lubrication.
Ice box conversion refrigeration companies after selecting refrigeration components play a major role in designing an efficient system of refrigerant flow and the controlling of refrigerant TEMPERATURES through each system’s component. Most
boat refrigeration people understand that a reasonable differantial pressure across the refrigerant flow control device is important but ignore the low pressure interting compressors importance in volumetric efficiency and compressor
cooling. A compressor can only increase pressure of gaseous refrigerant by reducing its volume. Without reduction of gas particles there will not be high Volumetric efficiency from compressors. The low pressure side of the compressor
pump is supplied by low density pressure returning refrigerant from the evaporator. As returning gas enters the open space in hemedicly sealed compressor where its refrigerant density is even lower due to internal compressor heat.
Hermetically sealed
electrical compressors are cooled by subcooled returning refrigerant, some believe, returning gas to compressor inlet should be 60 degrees F because 70% of compressor’s heat is disposed of by gas flow. The remaining 30% of compressor heat normally is transferred to surrounding air movement around the compressor and last left over process heat is removed by the condenser. .A hot compressor results in low density refrigerant vapor and higher compressor temperature; this results in the ratio of the volume of gas actually delivered to the piston
displacement from the evaporator causing compressor to be less efficient.
Design performance of the compressor remains with the Manufacturer, The job shop designing the
Icebox conversion refrigeration system must not exceed the operating limits of the selected compressor. Once a system with a variable speed compressor is in operation there are simple ways to check its performance by measuring amperage, compressor heat and compressor cycle off and on running times. A simple test of these small 12 volt compressors is if you can not keep the palm of your hand on top of the compressor dome indicates it is overloaded and high amperage will confirm this.. Mobile boat refrigeration must be protected from overloading pressures caused by lack of cooling. The Danfoss BD system does not have a high pressure switch to stop the compressor before damage is done. Most Danfoss 12 volt systems use a back door method of stopping compressor by determining fan
current draw across electronic module terminals F and small + (plus). Since none of the
water cooled BD compressors use overload protection
reliability of these systems are at risk, Module failures, compressor failures and catistrapic contamination that requires system replacement.