Originally Posted by Mark424
Am considering a Wallas 30dt for heat for a 38' sailing cat for the PNW.
The Wallas remote looks like it calls for a sim card, which would mean it requires a separate cell phone data account and being near a cell tower. I was thinking something a bit simpler, like a bluetooth/wifi connection on the boat itself, or maybe even just a timer that I could have it come up to temp before we get up in the morning. Anyone know if you can use other types of thermostats with this unit? or wire up a secondary DIY control.
I have a Wallace 40D, and from what I understand, although I'm no expert, is that the
cabin thermostat is not like a domestic one, which operates a switch when the set temp is reached. It's constantly measuring the
cabin temp electronically and sending that reading to the main unit, which compares it with your selected temp setting. The benefit of this is that it's not an on-off system - it reduces heat output as the selected cabin temp is reached and effectively runs on tick-over to keep the temp, which is a nice touch. However, this does mean that it's not an easy task, if at all possible, to install a secondary thermostat in parallel to this.
Having said all that, my unit is 7 years old, so they may do it differently now.