Originally Posted by danchua
We recently purchased a boat with a Spectra Ventura 150. The watermaker apparently wasn't pickled before storage and hasn't been used in a pretty long time. We have a new membrane and prefilters. Any thoughts on what should I do before putting the new membrane and filters in?
The first thing I need to know is this a manual VT 150 or is it an automated VT150?
Secondly, before you install the membrane you will want to do a test run. Change out the pre-filters with new. Open the pressure relief valve and the intake
thru hull then start the system by the toggle switch located on the unit and let it run for about twenty minutes. Then after the twenty minutes slowly close the pressure relief valve until you start to feel it grab, then give it about an 1/8 of a turn more. Watch your pressure gauge while you are closing off the pressure relief valve. It should climb to around 50-65psi. If it does and stays there on each stroke then your Clark
pump and feed
pump are operating properly. If you see asymetrical pressure readings between each stroke then there could be a Clark pump issue. If the pressure gauge does not climb to at least 50psi then your feed pump may have an issue. If all is well on the Clark pump and feed pump check to see if your product
water tastes salty. If it does not taste salty then you might be OK. If it does taste salty you'll want to then replace the membrane. After this point things might get a bit confusing so don't hesitate to call me on my cell and I'll be happy to walk you through everything step by step. (954) 515-7077