Originally Posted by sdowney717
I have a 75 lb over pressure valve not hooked up yet.
I was thinking to put it into the shore side line with a tee so if the pressure was too high, it would release the pressure and send it overboard.
I think it used to be setup to vent into the bilge.
How many situations would you find where marina water pressure was that high?
I never have, they all seem rather low and weak pressured.
Marinas in populated areas are hooked to city mains. Mains water pressure can be as high as 80PSI--depending on what city, and where you are in the distribution system.
The simple answer is NO... you can not use this to regulate your water pressure. If you came to a marina that had 80PSI city water, it would be dumping water overboard ALL THE TIME!!!!
Use a proper pressure reducer if you really have to connect to the mains water supply. Although as a word of warning: I have seen three
boats sink at the
dock because they were connected full time to marina water.
A relief valve like this belongs only on the outlet of the water heater in case it over pressures. A "temperature" valve does not do the same thing and I don't think that is what you have. Every water heater NEEDS a PRESSURE relief valve.