I am fitting it to a Rule 2000gph pump. *Just seems very light / thin. *Yeah pressures are low, but has anyone found this hose to be a problem, say under the engine where it is hot etc.
The hose works; as a philosophy I don't entrust my life and vessel to thin flimsy hose. It is one of the first things I replace when I take on a new to me boat. That hose usually fails in the wrinkles and you might end up with sea water going where you don't want it to, like wiring etc... I just don't trust it.
" Wisdom; is your reward for surviving your mistakes"
Thanks guys, should have trusted my instincts in the first place
It's a bummer y'know, you buy this well regarded pump with an odd 28mm dia outlet, and then the sales guy says why not use Rule hose (28mm!). And you think yeah, why not.....