Originally Posted by captden
Now it's time to put my watermaker to bed for the season the book I have tells me to use sodium metabisulfite to flush out the membraine for long term storage but it doesn't say how much to use or where to get it. I was wondering what other cruisers use to pickle their units. This is a 500 gal per day unit.
Google came up with this:
Water Purification Storage and Disinfoection of a Reverse Osmosis Membrane
System or Membrane
Use RO permeate (if possible)
water to make a solution containing 2% (by weight) sodium bisulfite and 1 ounce sodium metabisulfite per gallon.
Flush and fill the system with this solution, then drain thoroughly.
Seal the system.
Long term storage of membrane only
Use RO permeate (if possible)
water to make a solution containing 2% (by weight) sodium bisulfite and 20% (by weight) of glycerine.
Soak the membrane in this solution for 30 minutes.
Drain excess and seal the membrane in a plastic bag.
1993 report details procedures as well.
Google "Chemical Pretreatment For RO"
Which is in line with the prior
posting about propylene glycol.