Originally Posted by dearmstr
I am going through the steps to find out why it won't draw in water and I need to remove the discharge valve cap and possibly the intake valve cap and I need to know how to remove them without tearing them up.
Hi, just went through this a few days ago with my PHII. Low flow and backpressure when pumping. Here's the thread where I found the solution to my problem.
Raritan calls for
water pump pliars to remove those caps, but I used a pair of Channel Locks. Just grip the outer edges carefully and the cap spins right off. It's not on very tight and don't over tighten when you re-install or the
gasket squishes out. You'll find a ball and spring inside both. That's where I found my "blockage".
Raritan also calls for a 7/8 deep socket to remove the cartridge in the
pump. I found that a crescent wrench worked fine, just make sure the jaws are tight on the plastic nut. It was a pretty simple
Here's the thread.