I know you should not install an A/C unit in the engine room but I have no other place to put it so should I install A/C in the engine room in a sealed box or not????
I have a 1973 Morgan 41 O/I walk over and I have spoke to the manufactures of the A/C unit and they have told me to install it under the seat next to the forward head but the unit is too big to fit so they told me to install it in the hanging locker on the starboard side well the A/C unit is 24” long and 18” deep and 16” tall my hanging locker is 23” deep so I can’t even turn the unit sideways I have the height and width but the depth I do not have.
I have this huge engine room that I can build a box for the A/C with return air and discharge duct work easier than I can rebuild the seating or the forward head.
What do you think?????
First thing you want to ask yourself is how the new installation is going to effect your work space next time you have to change a raw water impeller on the engine. Huge engine rooms have a way of becoming tiny, cramped spaces once there's a job needing to get done.
__________________ cruising is entirely about showing up--in boat shoes.
If you plan to use the A/C mostly or entirely at dockside (where you won't be running the engine), then I'd think the engine room installation would be OK. Providing, of course, that you take into account the space considerations mentioned above.
Well I have a spot on the starboard side of the engine room that is 4' x 6' with 5' of head room just on that side the engine and fuel tank and battery's are all on the port side so I can still get to the engine and all just fine.