Originally Posted by AleCiotti
Ok, and what about diluted vinegar? as other people mentioned it on the thread?
no. for brass,bronze,boat gel coat,big factory polish brass bronz use oxalic acid. always must have on
boat 1 kg hempel gelcoat cleaner.how you clean before polish your boat.
if you can remove brass part overnight is possible safe clean with citrus acid.
hempel gelcoat cleaner is +- 15€ 1 kg
citrus acid C6H8O7 or CH2COOH-C(OH)COOH-CH2COOH is so close to oxalic acid C₂H₂O₄
but oxalic acid is simply beter,special if you have cloged
toilet pipe only oxalic acid safe disolve calcium
salt water deposit in pipe,or in human body. only safe oxalic acid disolve stone in kidney for example.
you dont know chemical composition of your valve, idont know .safe solution oxalic acid.