Originally Posted by pdx_sailing
My question is can you have a flexible or curved / bent pick up tube to follow the profile of the tank next to the hull? This would give the shortest / straightest path to the deck pump out.
The other option is to "T" into the gravity outlet on the bottom of the tank and route up along the end of the tank, longer run with more bends.
I've built custom
tanks both ways.
With a nice thick
fiberglass tank I had no qualms about using the heavy wall filament-wound T-fitting from Centek to glass into the bottom of the "bottom outlet" tank, it would never leak and would take a sledge hammer to break it.
And whatever may come, glass and
epoxy could make things right.
With plastic
tanks I want to think twice, or maybe thrice, about having a soft plastic threaded fitting at the bottom, not to say they can't
work, many have just such an arrangement without any problems.
It's not a big deal at all to make an "angular" dip tube, but it should be able to be inserted/withdrawn from the tank without having to rotate, (duh).
This in general precludes threads.
There are ways around that by using some more special fittings.
Peg knows lots about this stuff.
Stuff like this can often be used,
Marine Sanitation has all kinds of goodies for holding tanks.