Another thing to check is the air vent to the holding tank. It can get clogged in at least two ways: from the inside if you flush too much into the tank (a wad of
toilet paper makes a pretty good stopper), and from the outside if a mud dauber wasp or some other insect builds a nest in the vent opening. If the vent is clogged, you're creating a vacuum in your tank when you pump it out. It might not collapse, but don't chance it.
To clear the clog, get a
toilet plunger. Remove the handle and place the rubber plunger over the vent, on the outside of the
hull. Press a
water hose on the hole where the handle was, and blast the vent with water. If that doesn't
work after a few tries, you'll have to figure out how to remove the nut attaching the vent on the inside of the
hull, so you can remove it and clean it and the tubing.
Good luck!