For year folks have been accustomed to seeing the heat sinks on the Danfoss BD35/50 electronic controllers, as shown in the
photo below for part numbers: Danfoss/Secop -101N0200, 101N0210, 101N0212. These compressors and controller were not just used by Technautics, but by every other 12v/24v
marine refrigeration company out there for years......BUT....
Danfoss/Secop has changed the design of the 101N0200, 101N0210, 101N0212 controller and has been slowing getting rid of the old stock. You can still find the old controller (as shown above) at some online vendors that don't move large quantities, but you can no longer buy the older style controller from Danfoss/Secop.
The new style controller has done away with the external heat sink but still has the same part number. You can see the new controller in the below
photo...minus the heat sink fins on the back.
The weak link in an otherwise legendarily dependable set-up has always been the electronic control module and there are three things take them out, in the order of what we have seen over the years:
Electrical spikes (From a Frogboat Dealer page: "If there is a voltage spike (above 17v on a 12v system, or 31.5v on a 24v system, this module will sacrifice itself to save the
2. Heat
3. General corrosive nature of the
marine environment
Frankly, the new design that has done away with the external heat sink worries me a bit, as it would anyone who has put their hand on the heat dissipation fins over the years and had to pull it away baby!
In typical Danfoss/Seacop fashion, there was no heads-up or warning given to the buyers of their product. We found out when our pallet order of 144 compressors/controllers arrived and we opened up the first box and our assembly tech brought the new controller into the office and said, "hey...what is this"! So don't be surprised if you order a replacement 101N0210 controller and the new one arrives. From the testing we have done so far, we can't see any performance drops or problems with a straight swap out. What we hope is that this remains true for the other
refrigeration systems out there that use the
Danfoss/Secop compressor/controller set-up.