Originally Posted by Capt. Greg
I watched the video and read the troubleshooting flow chart from Veco. I am going to test tomorrow. My fan works, the compressor doesn't run. I'm going to test the thermostat by jumping the circuit. If that doesn't start the compressor, I'll check the voltage. My guess is a bad box, but I will test everything to make certain. Thanks for all the assistance!
First this is not a conventional electrical
motor compressor as it is monitored on start up by a very sensitive electronic boot up sequence much the same as a computer. When
current is applied to electronic pulse control module cleanliness of voltage is checked, amperage of fan is checked to see it draws no more than 1/2 amp on variable speed models,
pump rotation must accelerate to operating speed, and starting amperage must not be excessive. If all of these boot up sequences are satisfied compressor will be permitted to run by module. If your unit has the $2 trouble LED installed each boot up item has a LED flash code pointing you to trouble area.
It appears you did not pay enough attention to Rich Boren video
You will not find dirty electrical voltage with a volt meter.
Just because fan runs does not say it is drawing too much
current indicating condenser
cooling may not be sufficient.
Now you know why the Danfoss BD compressors seam to last forever and troubleshooting is almost always external to compressor.