liveaboard our
boat and up to this point have mostly either been in a marina with a portable
pump out or in slip
pump out or we have been easily able to go out into the ocean to dump.
We now find ourselves staying in a marina with a pump out only at their
fuel dock. This is not terribly difficult but means we will need to move the
boat over to that
dock at least once every 1.5 - 2 weeks. Obviously this adds inconvenience.
My question is, what are others doing in these situations?
I have noticed that most other
boats are not going to the pump out regularly and some never. Do they know something that I don't? Are they just dumping in the marina without a type 1? Are they just holding it as long as possible then running up to the marina bathroom once per day?
I have looked into Electroscan and Purasan Type 1 systems and they look decent but have a fairly high initial cost and some big rework for me to get placed in the boat.
Any other options I do not know about?
Thanks to all and stay safe and healthy!