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Old 16-02-2019, 21:09   #1
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Electric heads slow filling on their own.

New to me 2005 Lagoon 440. Plumbed to use fresh or salt water with a valve in each head to divert either water source to the pump. When on fresh water the electric heads will slowly fill the bowl with all pumps off. Its a very slow fill, maybe 2 inches in a 8 hr period.

I thought it must be bad siphon and I have removed the old solenoid siphon breaks from both heads and ensured the hole at the top of the U was clear. The problem persists in both port heads.

Attached are pictures of the heads as I dont know what model they are.

Any ideas?
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	95C24D70-A2D9-4420-8E97-915F69029641.jpg
Views:	158
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ID:	186102   Click image for larger version

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Old 16-02-2019, 22:08   #2
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Re: Electric heads slow filling on thier own.

The toilet in photo on the left appears to be a Jabsco...the photo on the right is too far out of focus for me to tell what it is. You can see all of Jabsco's toilet here: Jabsco Marine / RV Toilets and Waste Systems ...they've redesigned their website to make finding anything on it as difficult as possible (I've just discovered that NONE of my bookmarks still work), but this page does include every toilet they make. You mentioned a pump, which would make it a sea water toilet, either 37010 or a 37245. The owners manual for each one is under "Documentation and Tools...they call it a "technical data sheet."

As you'll discover as you check 'em all out, Jabsco doesn't make a toilet designed to use both fresh and sea water. Toilets that are have TWO inlet flush water inlet fittings, one dedicated to the fresh water supply, the other dedicated to the sea water pump...that's to prevent sea water from contaminating the fresh water supply. Yours has to be a PO's DIY plumbing job. So you might want to reconsider whether to keep that setup.

I can only guess how your toilets are plumbed, so the best I can do is tell you how they be plumbed. Toilets designed to use onboard fresh water don't have an intake pump, they're teed into the cold water line to the head sink and use pressurized water...which means the boat's fresh water pump has to be on to supply the flush water. There's a solenoid valve in the inlet line that's wired to the flush works like a faucet does--opens to let water run into the bowl when the button is pushed, closes to shut off the flow of water when you release the flush button. When you removed the solenoid valve (they have a high failure rate/short lifespan btw), you removed the "faucet" so there's nothing preventing water from flowing into your toilet bowl. If it was in the vented loop, it can't work without it either. The owners manuals for the fresh water toilets should give you some insight into how they're supposed to work.

That should be enough to get you started sorting it all out...

© 2025 Peggie Hall
Specializing in marine sanitation since '87.
Author: "NEW Get Rid of Boat Odors"
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Old 17-02-2019, 10:16   #3
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Re: Electric heads slow filling on their own.

My Jabsco fills slowly also but Im pretty sure its a worn Joker valve located were the waste exits (shown in your pic). Please ignore if I've misunderstood your question/problem.
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Old 17-02-2019, 10:35   #4
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Re: Electric heads slow filling on their own.

Is your water system pressurized? I have seawater Jabscos (with the water pump) plumbed to a pressurized freshwater system. The pump is not an adequate stop valve against the water system pressure. My answer was similar to Peg Hall's, except I used a manual spring-loaded valve positioned in front of the push button switch to run the toilet pump. Lower the valve arm, water in, press switch, toilet flushes, release both.
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Old 20-02-2019, 08:41   #5
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Re: Electric heads slow filling on their own.

I have your toilet, Jabsco Quiet Flush (in name only). I had a slow fill problem and traced it to the solenoid valve which was "sticky" and prevented from fully opening (the coil can only pull with a certain force). Try rotating the valve shaft (part of the solenoid valve) a few times to clean up the valve and plunger shaft. Worked for me, ymmv.
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