When I bought my 37' Dickerson my
broker told me "There's a
holding tank smell" which I immediately took to mean *discount*.
We were both right. I tried to hammer it with all sorts of cures but nothing was fixing the smell. I took a hot wet rag to the hoses and smelled it. Yep. The previous owner had left boat
on the hard for 2 years without
cleaning the tank.
So 2 winters ago I ripped the
holding tank out, mine is small, 10 gals. I powerwashed what I could from inside & outside. Then I filled it with about 2 bags of ice (this was february) and a gallon of Purple
Power industrial degreaser. Drove around like this for 3 weeks in the
bed of my truck making sure to hit every pothole. Periodically I would have to refesh the ice which acted like a scrubbie inside.
In terms of replacing hose, it's not difficult just takes a little while. I'm not 100% sure about your specific boat but it shouldn't be that bad.
I also replaced my Y valve and all hose clamps. And the tank vent. Basically anything other than the
head and the holding tank (which I cleaned) got replaced.
I bought the hose from West
Marine but first found the cheapest
price I could and they
price matched it. My wife asked what I wanted for my birthday and I said 24' of the finest sh***er hose made!!
Transformed the boat, no more "whew" when you opened it up.
And take care of the system going forward, don't ignore it. I know how hard the job was and I don't want to do it again so I keep after it and keep it clean. We have free pumpouts and I use the
service often.