I use citric acid, a coffee measure cup every two days or so flushed down the
head. It is a powder solid. It is
odor free. It not only decomposes carbonate salts, but also as a chelating agent, it also increases the
water solubility of calcium and magnesium salts. While a weak acid, it is trivalent with three acid groups per molecule making a nice buffered acid solution between pH 2 and maybe 8. It's available on Amazon and easily stored in used PET peanut butter or mayonnaise jars.
As an acid it will convert the insoluble calcium carbonate to the soluble calcium citrate and carbon dioxide. You will see the bubbles. As a chelation agent it will increase the solubility of calcium attacking both struvite (calcium ammonium phosphate and/or magnesium ammonium phosphate) and calcium urate.
Citric acid is relatively
cheap and not too hazardous. Think lemon juice. Check Amazon.