boat was
on the hard for 2 days and Frigoboat
keel cooler system ran fine for about one week. However, yesterday it suddenly stopped
cooling almost completely although the
compressor was running constantly. The cap tube line was also noisily vibrating. After turning the fridge on and off a few times it has started working again and the cap tube line is no longer vibrating.
First this Danfoss
compressor was not designed to operate at high temperatures that can cause
oil and internal
electrical insulation deteration. Seawater
cooling by
keel cooler condensers is only efficient when seawater temperature is no warmer than 75 degrees F (24C) and compressor temperature remains expectable below 130 degrees F (54C).
Water cooled and air cooled hermetically sealed
electrical compressors depend primarily on heat
removal to be absorbed by much cooler refrigerant returning from cold evaporators. Danfoss designed these compressors to be installed on fan cooled condensing units so that fan air would supplement refrigerant cooling of compressors. Fifteen years ago when
water cooled
keel cooler BD compressor system started failing I recommended adding another fan just to cool compressor when in tropical
weather. Later Frigoboat added a second optional air-cooled condenser to installed in series with the
keel cooler.
To explain and answer your confusing experience of lack of cooling and vibrating cap tube line for some unknown reason there was either a refrigerant flow problem of temporary blockage and that blockage helpfully is now captured in filter attached to compressor return line.
If the vibration was continuous for a while all refrigerant in system may have been reduced to vapor gas mixed with drops of liquid. The condenser type air or water is designed to see that mostly condensed liquid reaches orifice of cap tube. Because Frigoboat’s normal keel cooler condenser contains such a small amount of refrigerant and compressor may be very hot this could also explain your temporary problem.
I would not worry about your past two days experience
on the hard if amperage draw is now normal and evaporator frost cover is 100%. I would also not run
refrigeration without adequate compressor condenser cooling.