Originally Posted by edbulmer
Before I do this I want to make sure I was clear. I have 3 units and 4 through- hulls. The 3 main through-hulls all flow fine, they are like Niagara falls. But there is this fourth one that is smaller and has a small flow and it is on when any one of the other units is on. I'm trying to figure out what that is. If it's a by- pass or over-flow etc. And if it should be reallly flowing (like the others) or if it's okay that is just has a small flow. (I did put some acid through the system and clean out my strainer). And do I need bromide tablets?
There are venturi devices that will suck the water out of the drip pans. They are pretty much the same thing that is used to drain the water from a water
bed. These are usually installed in the outlet water line with a tee in the side and a small hose to the drip pan. Usually they do not need an extra through
hull. It could be that someone installed a separate line just for this condensate
removal device. It might flow less water than the main
coolant lines since it isn't actually
cooling anything. Try to trace the hose from the slow flowing through
hull back toward an AC unit. If there is a
funny looking TEE in that line then it is probably the condensate drain device. If so then it may connect to all of the A/C evaporators to suck out the condensate water.
If your 3 outlets have full and equal flow then probably everything is as it should be. The best
advice I have received is don't start fixing something unless you are sure it is broken. I think that applies here.
Best regards,