Man, talk about timing. One of my clients has a brother that is a really good
mechanic. The other day we were both filling up at the same set of pumps and I was looking at the
fishing boat they were pulling. This guys brother had taken a jet ski
motor, cut out a portion of their flat bottom (metal)
fishing boat and installed the motor and drive from a jet ski. The brother told me it took him a little time to fix a few bugs but that the thing worked GREAT! He could make it into backwater and up creeks that were completely off limits to everything else on the
water. Due to the weight of the motor in the bottom of the boat it ended up being incredibly stable and his
fuel consumption was less that when the motor was in his jet ski. It was also light enough, boat and all, that the 2 of them could
lift it off the
trailer and launch it anywhere... now I'm wondering if it would be possible to fit something like that in my hard dink.... dang, that would be awesome....