Originally Posted by roland stockham
I was reading some stuff on this yesterday. It seam as if the USA runs a simplified database and can assign MMSI numbers for territorial waters only. You may need to be on the international database if you want the system to work outside the US. This may be a new number or they may transfer the existing number. Seams a very odd way to do it and the problem will be that some equipment needs to be returned the manufacturer to have an MSI no changed. (this is a useful idea, means if your boat is stolen you can poll your radio and it will send you its location, the thief cant reprogram it. I may have this completely wrong (Canadian not US) so if anyone knows better by all means clarify for us!
The BoatUS MMSI cannot be used/transferred to an FCC MMSI
MMSI FAQ's - Maritime Mobile Service Identity - BoatUS
Q: What is the difference between obtaining an MMSI from the FCC and obtaining a number from BoatUS?
A: BoatUS MMSI numbers are coded for recreational vessels cruising in U.S. waters only not otherwise required to be licensed; the registrations are downloaded into the U.S. Coast Guard Search &
Rescue Database (MISLE) only. FCC-assigned MMSI numbers are coded for International Waters and go into the International Search &
Rescue Database (ITU). In order to be accepted into the ITU database, any FCC assigned MMSI must end in zero. This is why the BoatUS MMSI number cannot be re-used when later applying for an FCC
License for international cruising.
Originally Posted by kenL
I go to Canada in British Columbia waters every year for a few weeks and have never been asked for any radio documentation which I do not have. In the past few years they have made entering easy as all that is necessary is to go to one of the entrance docks and call the 800 phone number in Ottawa which clears all boats in for the country.
You may never have been asked, and it might even be that nobody cares and it isn't enforced, but it is a law. Once you piss off the wrong people they're looking for reasons to pile on you. Some are willing to take a chance others aren't. I have my licenses.