Lets face this, The reason why all states raise
taxes are for their, i say it again, THEIR pay raise,
retirement, homes and property, there's probably more but i think whats listed is good. I been living in WA state since 89, and I've read from locale papers on how some governors, mayors, city officials paid for by citizens, up grades on summer homes,
vacation spots, new furniture, etc. They asked for increases in a
school tax many times over and some times twice in a year, only to have a pay increase, road projects. Well about 10 yrs ago i was fed up with all these new taxes then and really pissed for this years registration for
boat and vehicle taxes. Way out,
I paid last yr, for car 43.50 this yr 75.50. There are two taxes that is double taxation. My
boat is now 25.25 last yr was 21,75. There are two new taxes for the same tax, Double taxation.
For CG
Documentation, was free, and as you say, you have to pay, what would they call this tax? ADMIN FEE? all US residents, shold cost nothing to get back into our own country,
BY the way, I vote all of the tax monger's out of office every election day and NO on new taxes. Take a pay cut
For as whether or not you should be able to pay if you own a boat or give up
boating, that's not the issue. TAXES are.. i bet you vote for all tax increases