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Old 05-07-2012, 08:24   #31
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Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?

Originally Posted by gwmort View Post
I know of a local couple that use their boat sort of like a bed and breakfast for people to spend the night on. I believe they say it includes a "free" harbor tour. If they don't charge anything for the sailing can they charge for the accommodation or are they still under the heading of paying passengers?
I am quite sure that if the Coast Guard takes notice of their operation they will find themselves in a lot of trouble. There is no doubt in my mind that the Coasties are not going to fall for this particular dodge.
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Old 05-07-2012, 10:00   #32

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Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?

gw, I'd bet those folks don't have business licenses, don't have commercial insurance, and if something goes wrong one day, they'll lose their shirts. Not that I'm knocking the underground economy or cash businesses, but it isn't the 1950's anymore.
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Old 05-07-2012, 12:07   #33
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Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?

A lot of the questions in regards to cost sharing are really an outgrowth of the same regulations that the FAA put into place years ago. While there is a relatively sparse amount of information from the USCG, it is reasonable to look at what the FAA has done, and the way they look at cost sharing. Particularly in light of the same aim of the policy (the USCG actually cited the FAA policy when changing their regulations).

Basically the rule should be interpreted as saying...

If there is any profit motive by the owner, then it will be considered commercial. This means that direct costs of operation for the duration of that trip can be shared (fuel, oil changes, berthing) but not the general cost of ownership (insurance, depreciation, rebuilding allowance for the engines).

Basically divide the costs into two pots.

1) the cost of ownership... These must be born by the owner.
2) the marginal cost of the trip... These can be shared

Note that the regulations require sharing. This means that the owner must pay a pro rata share of the marginal costs as well as the costs of ownership.

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Old 05-07-2012, 12:49   #34
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Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?

Call the US Coast Guard and call the proper Canadian government agency to get your answers. Don't risk a big fine on potentially inaccurate second hand information. I'm not saying anyone is wrong, that's just what I would do if I needed the straight story.

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Old 12-07-2012, 11:40   #35
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Question Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?


I've read some entries which seem close to my question, but don't quite spell out the answer exactly...

Question: If I am licensed in BVI for charter cruising, skippering for 6 passengers, what do I need to enter St. Thomas for example. In other words, do I need a Passport only, or do I need some US licensing whether its commercial related or Coast Guard related?
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Old 12-07-2012, 13:03   #36
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Lightbulb Re: Do I need a license to have paying passengers?

Originally Posted by capn_cranky View Post

I've read some entries which seem close to my question, but don't quite spell out the answer exactly...

Question: If I am licensed in BVI for charter cruising, skippering for 6 passengers, what do I need to enter St. Thomas for example. In other words, do I need a Passport only, or do I need some US licensing whether its commercial related or Coast Guard related?
I called customs in St. Thomas to get to the bottom of it. CDN and Bermuda skippers would be fine, but all other foreigners would need visas. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a work-around is likely to have 'yer passengers fly into PR/USVI so that 'they're cleared with customs' before sailing around the VIs.
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