Hi, My
boat is equipped with a
Yanmar 4BY2-150
engine, about 5 years old and running very well.
Yanmar issued a
service bulletin, YASA2014-005-M and last September I begin the process of having this applied to my boat's
engine - since the
boat was exhibiting the symptoms described.
I took the boat to a Yanmar dealer, paid nearly $1000 in slip
fees, and was surprised with a bill that included over $250 to apply the advisory - even though Yanmar paid for the actual labor and
I wanted the boat back and wanted to stop the slip
fees so I paid the bill.
Imagine my surprise to find only a portion of the advisory was applied.
repair dealer refused to keep two separate appointments to finish the
work that both Yanmar and I had paid for.
So, I contacted the boat manufacturer who put me in touch with they Yanmar regional distributor who connected me with a closer Yanmar deal who applied the rest of the advisory.
And broke my boat in the process. The engine red "NO"
oil pressure - not zero, but none.
mechanic, working on his own, I believe, applied a mechanical pressure gauge and determined, as we expected, there was no engine internal problem. The gauge read about 60 psi.
Two months of calls, e/mails, and such to Yanmar resulted in the local
mechanic swapping
parts, re-connecting the pre-advisory
wiring and other seemingly random actions without restoring the
oil pressure.
Yanmar, during this time, refused to give or sell me the
manuals and diagrams necessary to fix the problem on my own.
O offered to pay for the necessary adapter to
permit a diagnostic meter connection, they refused to sell it to me or the local authorized dealer. It didn't seem hard to make the adapter, but they also refused to sell me, or the local authorized dealer, the diagnostic codes.
I contacted Yanmar again and they require me to truck the boat to their location at my expense and leave it there until they can
repair the oil pressure sender.
I finally down converted to an analog oil pressure (the thread was 1/4" NPT), installed an analog oil warning device and am back on the
Don't buy a
used boat with a Yanmar - they can, but will not, repair it.