My 2cents is to show your boat to your friends not strangers. I delivered a
Catamaran for an owner that a few years back allowed his
new boat to be shown at the
Miami show. After that experience I'd vote no. I'm pretty confidant in speaking for the owner that he would vote absolutely not. It's common practice for builders to do this so it's not unusual. The
builder should pay at least a daily rate for allowing your boat to be shown. This rate will be a great insight in showing you who you are dealing with. I
work this and other shows every year. Though there will be people who will respect your boat when they board, have no doubt that there are thee others. They run the gambit from hard knob turners, pokers, electronic button whackers, throttle jammers, door slammers, wire tuggers, shoe kickers (yep they board with street shoes all the time), key and belt buckle scratchers and part stealers. Don't forget the slightly to totally inebriated
beer swillers that leave blood stains from falls and the faint smell of puke for weeks. Those are just the adults! The
kids from parents that couldn't raise a tomato plant, much less a child, are a treat as well. It's only
money, make sure you get a lot of it from your
builder... UP FRONT!