It would appear that the petroleum industry (cartel) has caved in to the inevitable... EV vehicles are the future.
Over the last hundred or so years the leading economies in our world have turned fossil fuels into a massive backup for the Ponzi Scheme that we call "MONEY".
Millions of human lives have been sacrificed in supporting the Ponzi schemes known as "Money".
In the 19th and 20th centuries the British Pound Ponzi was propped up by exploiting 3rd world countries in international
trade of spices, herbs, opium etc but was brought down by 2 massive world wars.
Most recently the
USA hijacked the International
money Ponzi scheme by backing their USD$ with
Oil industry cartels, primarily in the Middle East.
I gotta wonder why they are giving up their control of this Ponzi so easily, given that the automotive industry is arguably the biggest consumer of fossil fuel in the world?