Pete that is not a bad idea, I might just do that, I see on heir page they have the ones from James Bond so that would be cool just to see them.
They are loud but so are freight liners and
cruise ship with their horns and while loud, they are not dangerous.
a64pilot, my guess would be the latter, at least judging by the videos....
Sailmonkey, you are correct, the
fuel tanks are small but the company does advertise that it is willing to customise for you, so I assume that could be done and some of the back space used for larger
You can choose between
diesel and petrol so I would be looking into
diesel and seeing what kind of range I could get from diesels.
StunM, I did not mean take it ashore where there are people, I mean that seeing as there are many pacific islands that are uninhabited, a hovercraft is a great way of dotting from island to island and no-one would mind on an unused island.
That said, to "park" a hovercraft out of
water they have to be ridden from the water onto the sand, as long as you do not ride up and down beaches or do it where there are people I believe that is ok, you don't attach it to a
trailer from the water.
Caribbean nations follow British law, or a general form of it and here in Britain they are classed as
boats so it would not be classed as a car or have trouble as long as it is parked away from people and I would move if asked of course.
Geez I can get free fuel for my hovercraft? Sweet! I assume that comes with sarnies to go, some water and maybe some DVDs to watch right?