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Old 17-12-2017, 11:34   #61
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by Sailmonkey View Post
The difference is that Canadians, according to Southpark, don’t have traditional jaws. Therefore their speech is garbled.
My personal experience & humble opinions-feel free to ignore both
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Old 17-12-2017, 13:36   #62
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by Wotname View Post
Because the sun isn't shinning on the the whole earth at once, it's beam rotates in a circle roughly over the equator every 24 hours. Just like if you move a torch beam around your boat etc.

Have you noticed how small the sun is; bright but small just like tightly focussed Maglite.
Next you'll be telling us that sky fairies are holding the maglite. :-)
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Old 17-12-2017, 13:42   #63
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

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Old 17-12-2017, 13:43   #64
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Sun and moon are same size
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Old 17-12-2017, 14:04   #65
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

I think some people just say this stupid sh*t for attention. Round earth is super easy to prove in 2017.
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Old 17-12-2017, 14:10   #66
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by Pete7 View Post

Now if the Earth is flat I want my money back because someone has drawn lines on my charts that meet at the top in error and at 50.N that's a big error.

They don't meet at the top on my charts.... therefore the earth is flat


and Greenland is really *****huge*****... they are going to make a killing in real estate when all the ice melts......
A little bit about Chile can be found here
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Old 17-12-2017, 14:14   #67
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

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Old 17-12-2017, 14:26   #68
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by 30yearslater View Post
You are all wrong and are nothing more that a creation in my own mind. I am having this conversation imagining I am typing this on a keyboard that also doesn't exist other than my mental machinations possibly prompted by the divine or the evil deceiver. The earth simply doesn't exist beyond my mind nor does my body that inhabits it. All that I am is a thinking thing. So there! Cogito Ergo Sum Baby!
Here are the lyrics to one of my favorite Moody Blues songs:

The Moody Blues : On the Threshold of a Dream
In the Beginning
(Graeme Edge)

First Man: I think, I think I am, I think.

Establishment: Of course you are my bright little star.
I've miles
And miles
Of files
Pretty files of your forefather's fruit
And now to suit our
Great computer
You're magnetic ink.

First Man: I'm more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be.

Inner Man: There you go, man, keep as cool as you can.
Face piles
And piles
Of trials
With smiles
It riles them to believe
That you perceive
The web they weave
And keep on thinking free.
'You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Mae West
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Old 17-12-2017, 14:30   #69
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

BTW Benz, almost everything you cite are facts that, while not easily confirmable by everyone, do rely on data that is open to analysis and investigation. It is not the same as simply relying on some untestable authority, or someone’s opinion. This is a false equivalence.

Depth soundings, evolution, the Big Bang, the age of the Earth, anthropogenic climate change, and the fact that the Earth is spherical, are all based on facts that are open to investigation. This is in contrast to statements which are untestable. This is why we differentiate between ideas based on fact vs those based on faith.[/QUOTE]

While certainly the "facts" are open to investigation, how many people bother to investigate? Have you measured carbon samples in arctic ice for the last 10,000 years? Has anyone? Have you measured the extent of arctic sea ice for the last even 200 years, so that you can say unequivocally that "2017 is the lowest sea ice year ever."? To say: "On record" means very little in geological time, since records haven't been kept with any accuracy for very long.
So most people are taking these things on faith, and another thing they take on faith is the interpretation of the data. Some while back, data was interpreted wrong and everyone panicked about a hole in the ozone layer that turned out to be natural. Shoot, at one point, all the data showed that the earth was the center of the universe! Actually it didn't, but that's how scientists interpreted it. So what I question is not the data that exists so much (though some of that is suspect), but the "scientist's" interpretation of that data.
You should absolutely investigate everything before you believe it. And once you have yourself personally done so, I might pay attention to what you have to say. Or I may just want to find out for myself.
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Old 17-12-2017, 14:58   #70
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by petrified View Post
Sun and moon are same size
That's obvious - just look at any eclipse.
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Old 17-12-2017, 15:33   #71
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by Benz View Post
While certainly the "facts" are open to investigation, how many people bother to investigate? Have you measured carbon samples in arctic ice for the last 10,000 years? Has anyone? Have you measured the extent of arctic sea ice for the last even 200 years, so that you can say unequivocally that "2017 is the lowest sea ice year ever."? To say: "On record" means very little in geological time, since records haven't been kept with any accuracy for very long.
So most people are taking these things on faith, and another thing they take on faith is the interpretation of the data. Some while back, data was interpreted wrong and everyone panicked about a hole in the ozone layer that turned out to be natural. Shoot, at one point, all the data showed that the earth was the center of the universe! Actually it didn't, but that's how scientists interpreted it. So what I question is not the data that exists so much (though some of that is suspect), but the "scientist's" interpretation of that data.
You should absolutely investigate everything before you believe it. And once you have yourself personally done so, I might pay attention to what you have to say. Or I may just want to find out for myself.
Your will always have to trust the scientific community because most of the issues are just way to complex to make a constructive critic. But because it is a community and not an isolated voice, i have no reason to believe they are not right at the best of their knowledge.
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Old 17-12-2017, 16:07   #72
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by Delancey View Post
Um, you do realize the modern flat earth hypothesis originated in ENGLAND and that the International Flat Earth Society was founded in DOVER?

Faulting people of another nationality for being "so emotional" is a bit chauvinistic, no? I find the comment offensive. Politicizing science is not uniquely American.

Humans around the globe are guided by their emotions. Maybe members of the American Republican Party more so than others but painting an entire nation (especially one as diverse as the US) with a broad brush colored by the characteristics of a few is in and of itself more emotional and less rational.

"Lining up with their team" is something sheeple do all over the globe. The people of England have certainly proved they are no exception to this behavior throughout their history.
Well of course you make a good point, everyone should not be painted with the same brush and I guess maybe I was thinking of the Republicans when I made that remark, however that is not a few. And sure others in other countries have done the same but you'd hope for more out of people these days and by and large most countries are lead by people that really do accept what almost all scientists are telling them, even China has made big strides in cleaning up. I will stand by my remark about Americans being very emotional in their politics, we have many American friends and we would never ever bring up politics to 90% of them as it would hurt or ruin our friendship. Religion is in about the same league. Yet in Canada we just don't take it as seriously, we rarely vote anyone in, we vote them out as after 8 or 10 years you have to clean house. What always amazes me is that Americans while really into politics don't vote...yes of course some do but very low numbers as a percentage of population.
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Old 17-12-2017, 16:27   #73
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by maijipo View Post
Your will always have to trust the scientific community because most of the issues are just way to complex to make a constructive critic. But because it is a community and not an isolated voice, i have no reason to believe they are not right at the best of their knowledge.
Trusting scientists. .... Were they not the ones that said the earth was the center of the universe?
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Old 17-12-2017, 16:30   #74
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Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by robert sailor View Post
What always amazes me is that Americans while really into politics don't vote...yes of course some do but very low numbers as a percentage of population.
You seem to be a victim of sketchy 'Mercian TV coverage that leaked over the border. 'Not sure who you're hanging with, but your generalizations are suspect. If I did the same, I would think Canadians are obsessed with the war of 1812. (Hint- most Americans don't give a rat's arse about that, they largely don't know about the siege of Detroit, and in my neighborhood they all have only the warmest feelings for our quirky socialist maple syrup makers to the north!)
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Old 17-12-2017, 16:32   #75
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Re: Who Thinks the Earth is Flat?

Originally Posted by cyan View Post
You seem to be a victim of sketchy 'Mercian TV coverage that leaked over the border. 'Not sure who you're hanging with, but your generalizations are suspect. If I did the same, I would think Canadians are obsessed with the war of 1812. (Hint- most Americans don't give a rat's arse about that, they largely don't know about the siege of Detroit, and in my neighborhood they all have only the warmest feelings for our quirky socialist maple syrup makers to the north!)
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